Reset Dialogues on Civilizations (DOC), in collaboration with the Oasis Foundation, presents a book launch event for Exiting Violence: The Role of Religion (2024), edited by Debora Tonelli and Gerard Mannion. The book contains a collection of essays that examine the theme of violence in religious traditions and their sacred texts. It also explores the paths that lead to radicalism and violence and those that allow them to be overcome. The presentation of the book, which was published in English, will be accompanied by excerpts read in Italian.
This event is sponsored by the Nomis Foundation, Center for Religious Studies at the Bruno Kessler Foundation, the Oasis Foundation, Casa della Cultura in Milan, and the Georgetown University Representative Office in Rome.
Giancarlo Bosetti is the director of Reset Dialogues on Civilizations.
Debora Tonelli is the Georgetown University representative in Rome and permanent researcher at the Bruno Kessler Foundation.
Martino Diez is the scientific director of the Oasis Foundation and an associate professor at Catholic University of Milan.
Enzo Pace is an emeritus professor of sociology at the University of Padua.
Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia is the president of the Pontifical Academy for Life
Ferruccio Capelli (moderator) is the director of the Casa della Cultura of Milan.